While the Chapel Grove HOA Board held a meeting earlier this week, which included discussing and approving the 2023 budget, we lacked a quorum (60 homeowners) for it to be considered an Annual Meeting. As a result, the election of two new board members will need to wait until the December 6th meeting, which will serve as the rescheduled Annual Meeting.
This was shared in the earlier ProCom notice, which stated:
In accordance with Section 11B-111(6) of the Maryland HOA Act, if quorum is not present at the annual meeting, the annual will be rescheduled for December 6, 2022, the meeting will be reconvened to the next regular scheduled meeting, same location and time. The number of members present in person or by proxy at the rescheduled meeting will constitute a quorum. At the rescheduled meeting, a majority of the members present in person or by proxy may approve or authorize any proposed action and may take any other action which could have been taken at the original meeting had a sufficient number of members been present.
We hope to see everyone at the rescheduled Annual Meeting.