Preparing for the Upcoming Pool Season

If you registered previously to use the Chapel Grove community pool and do not have any changes to your household, you are all set for the 2023 pool season. If you have never registered or need to make changes, please follow the instructions below.

  1. To register for the first time, please visit and enter the requested information in the GREEN BOX on the left. This will notify management of your registration request. Management will check your account, and as long as your account is not in collections, you request should be approved.
  2. Once management has approved your registration request, you will receive an E-Mail asking that you log back in to complete your registration. Return to the website, enter your E-Mail address or mobile number into the BLUE BOX on the right, and click the Request Pin button.
  3. You will then receive an E-Mail or text message with a single-use pin number. Return to the website, enter your E-Mail address or mobile number into the BLUE BOX on the right, and DO NOT request a pin a second time. Instead, note the text at the bottom that says Have you already received your pin? Click on the Click here link.
  4. Enter your pin and select Register. Then enter the requested information for all permanent residents of your household. Please note that friends or family members who do not permanently reside at the property such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins, are NOT eligible for registration. Once complete, select Register. You will receive an email confirming that your registration has been completed.

This information and more has also been posted to the Pool Committee page as well as the Chapel Grove portal.

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